Excess Liability Coverage

Going beyond umbrella insurance.

What Is Excess Liability Coverage?

Excess Liability Coverage (or ELC) is very similar to Umbrella Coverage in the sense that it is an added feature to an existing policy. However, unlike Umbrella Coverage, it can only be added to one policy rather than multiple. This coverage is very beneficial for businesses that have a high risk chance of something going wrong in one particular area. With the added coverage that acts like a cushion when you run out of liability coverage on one policy, or even on your umbrella policy, your business will be kept safe and sound.

Businesses Benefited by ELC:

  • Construction
  • Restaurants
  • Retail Stores
  • Law Firms
  • Real Estate
  • And more

Do you have questions about an insurance policy or need additional coverage? Contact an agent today and we would be happy to help.

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Or call our office Fairfax, VA for immediate assistance.
