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They say that there is insurance for everything, no matter what the insurance is actually covering. Purchasing the right insurance and the amount of it you need will always be determined by factors in your unique situation. These factors are usually children, age, lifestyle, and employment benefits. With the vast variety of insurance coverage out there, many experts recommend purchasing at least 4 types. These types are life insurance, health insurance, long-term disability, and auto insurance.
There are two traditional types of life insurance: whole life and term life. Whole life insurance is guaranteed coverage until death if the monthly premiums are paid on time. Term life insurance is a policy that will cover you for a set amount of time. This is a simple explanation of the most basic forms of life insurance. Of course, there are more in-depth differences between the two, but deciding which is best for you will depend on your factors. The universal benefit of life insurance is the ability to cover funeral expenses and provide for those you leave behind.
Did you know that over 900 Americans who filed for personal bankruptcy between 2013 and 2016 did so because of medical problems – bills, income loss due to illness, or both? These numbers may have you leaning towards obtaining health insurance or to review your current coverages. Currently, rising co-payments, increased deductibles, and dropped coverages have made health insurance a luxury that fewer people can afford. Considering that the national average cost for one day in the hospital was $2,517 in 2018, a minimal policy is better than none.
Long-term disability insurance is the one type of insurance most of us think we will never need. Did you know that one in four workers entering the workforce will become disabled and will be unable to work before they reach the age of retirement? Usually, employers offer both short and long term disability insurance as part of their benefits package. This is the best option when it comes to securing affordable disability coverage. Keep in mind that many plans do require a three-month waiting period before coverage kicks in, provide a maximum of three years’ worth of coverage, and have some significant policy exclusions.
Not every state requires drivers to have auto insurance, but most do place regulations regarding financial responsibility in the event of an auto accident. States that do not require insurance will conduct periodic random checks of drivers for proof of insurance. If you don’t have coverage, the fines will vary by the state and can range from the suspension of a driver’s license, added points to your driving record, or fees ranging from $500 to $1,000.